Mike Griggs

Mike Griggs

Company: SSOE Group

Job title: Director, Computer and Information Systems


Panel: Analyzing the Growing Danger of AI to Proactively Equip Your Business & Mitigate Potential Risks 9:20 am

Gaining insight into the recent advancements in AI and the implications for the construction industry Learning novel methods cybercriminals are employing to utilize AI in their attack vectors Understanding the legal implications of utilizing AI and how to navigate them for in-house useRead more

day: Conference Day Two

Case Study: Demonstrating the ROI on Cybersecurity Strategies to Secure Executive Buy-In & Ensure Consistent Funding 8:50 am

Identifying and quantifying business cyber risk to determine the appropriate level of investment Constructing a compelling narrative to effectively communicate cybersecurity metrics and benchmarks to company leadership to highlight the criticality of investment Establishing a top-down strategy from executive team to middle management to ensure alignment of security goalsRead more

day: Conference Day One

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