John Kronick

John Kronick

Company: Tutor Perini

Job title: Chief Information Security Officer


Establishing Optimal Data Governance Policies to Increase Operational Efficiency & Fully Utilize Available Data 3:50 pm

Spotlighting the ramifications of improper data governance and the financial impacts upon an organization Exploring best practices of data entry and classification training to ensure maximum data reuse and robust security throughout your organization Maintaining large datasets and retention policies to mitigate legal vulnerabilities and prevent overwhelming storage requirementsRead more

day: Conference Day One

Exploring the Opportunity for an Information Sharing & Analysis Center (ISAC) for the Construction Industry to Enhance Transparency & Establish Industry Benchmarks 3:30 pm

We all share the same adversary; this workshop is focused on establishing increased communication for the entire construction industry against hackers & cyber threats Finish off your workshop day experience by: Establishing a community platform for sharing ideas, alerts, and best practices amongst industry peers to foster collaboration and collective growth beyond competitive boundaries Identifying…Read more

day: Pre-Conference Workshop Day 2024

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