Eric Corder
Company: Performance Contracting Group
Job title: Director, Head of IT and Security
Preparing Effective Incident Response Procedures to Minimize Disruption & Ensure Business Continuity 12:00 pm
Understanding common routes leading up to an organization requiring an incidence response team and how to develop your approach to avoid them Enhancing risk assessments and contingency planning to maintain business operations during disruptions Employing multiple layers of data recovery solutions to enhance resilience and ensure data integrityRead more
day: Conference Day Two
Panel: Analyzing the Growing Danger of AI to Proactively Equip Your Business & Mitigate Potential Risks 9:20 am
Gaining insight into the recent advancements in AI and the implications for the construction industry Learning novel methods cybercriminals are employing to utilize AI in their attack vectors Understanding the legal implications of utilizing AI and how to navigate them for in-house useRead more
day: Conference Day Two